Jean-Pierre Appel 24
Projects Titles: Network Reliability Parameters and Exploring Toggle Games on Graphs
Major and Minor: Pure Mathematics with minor in Computer Science
Project Advisor: Nathan Shank, professor of mathematics

Emmanuel Bulted 26
Project Title: Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed Carboxylate Ligand Rhodium Complexes
Major: Chemistry
Project Advisor: Stephen Dunham, associate professor of chemistry and department chair

Liam Fitting 23
Project Title: Shades of Living Light: Historic Collections through an Intersectional Feminist Lens
Major and Minor: Psychology with minor in Studio Art
Project Advisor: Angela Fraleigh, professor of art

Devon Goerlich 24
Project Title: Using Reading Circles to Promote Science Self-Identification in First- to Fifth-Grade Girls
Major and Minor: Psychology with minor in SociologyCriminal Justice and Law
Project Advisors: Sarah Johnson, associate professor of psychology; Stacey Zaremba, professor of psychology

Courtney Gordon 24
Project Title: How Did Black Intersect the Blue and Grey? Black History at 91心頭
Major and Minor: Nursing with minor in Music
Project Advisor: Belinda Waller-Peterson, associate professor of English and associate dean for equity and inclusion

Dwight Holloway 23
Project Title: Food Fights: Feeding Competition between Male Howler Monkeys and Other Group Members Depending on Food Source
Major: Environmental Science
Project Advisor: Sarah McClelland, assistant professor of biological sciences
Gwen Kester 24
Project Title: Cytotoxicity Assays of Various Dirhodium Complexes in Cervical and Breast Cancer Cells
Major and Minor: Cellular Neurobiology with minor in Chemistry
Project Advisors: Shari Dunham, associate professor of chemistry; Anastasia Th辿venin, assistant professor of biology
John Riley 25
Project Title: Determining Three-Dimensional Current Distributions in the Earths Inner Magnetosphere Using the TS05 Magnetic Field Model and Satellite Measurements
Major and Minor: Physics with minor in Math
Project Advisor: Keith Wood, assistant professor of physics
Rosina Symia 23
Project Title: Parents Self-Efficacy and Involvement in Early Intervention for Families of Young Children with Hearing Loss: A Mixed Study Design
Major: Early Childhood Special Education
Project Advisor: Jean DesJardin, education department chair, associate professor, director of early childhood education, director of early childhood special education

Gianna Tully 24
Project Title: Unveiling the Masks of the Women Artists of Second Wave Feminism
Major and Minor: English with minor in Art History
Project Advisor: Elizabeth Gray, associate professor of English and writing arts